Truffle for Blockchain developer

Truffle for Blockchain developer

Installation , Setup , Creation , Compilation,Deployment of Project

Truffle framework is a decentralised application development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for Ethereum and other blockchain-based applications (dApps). It offers a set of tools and utilities to help developers build, test, and deploy smart contracts and dApps on the Ethereum network.

Truffle has a huge number of plugins -> download / install & start work immediately

Pros: Setup is easy and Streamlined Development, Debugging features in truffle is strong

Cons: Flexibility is Reduced, Learning Curve, and Lack of Modularity

1) Truffle install and setup

Step1: Create a new folder

Step 2:

npm install -g truffle // use npm to install Truffle:

truffle version // To confirm whether Truffle was installed correctly or not

Truffle v5.7.6 (core: 5.7.6)

Ganache v7.7.3

Solidity v0.5.16 (solc-js)

Node v16.16.0

Web3.js v1.8.2

Step3 :

In VSCode editor , Install Truffle for VS Code plugin

After installation truffle logo appears on the left of vs code

Click on truffle logo -> 'Networks' -> 'Create a new network' -> select 'Ganache service' -> start the service


truffle init // To create a truffle project and it will

truffle init creates the following structure of files.

contracts/: Directory for your Solidity contracts

migrations/: Directory for the scriptable deployment files

test/: Directory for files that test your application and contracts

truffle-config.js: The Truffle configuration file

truffle create contract <contract name>

truffle compile // compiles the project

truffle test

Step5: Deploying to Ganache

Scripts to deploy smart contracts are located in the migrations/ directory and are numbered.

truffle develop

// This command will start the truffle console. It will also show some information such as the chain network, accounts, Mnemonic, etc

you will see the console as truffle (develop)>

Type migrate --reset

Use a block explorer like Etherscan to view the transaction details. For example, use the transaction hash or contract address to view the details.

#truffle #blockchain

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