Hyperledger  V1.0 vs V2.0

Hyperledger V1.0 vs V2.0

Differences Between Hyperledger V1.0 and V2.0 in a Nutshell*

Differences Between Hyperledger V1.0 and V2.0 in a Nutshell

Process of Chaincode implementation – v 1.0

Step 1: All organization admins install Chaincode to the peers.

Step 2: Anyone admin instantiates Chaincode with an endorsement policy.

Step 3: Then admin submits a proposal to the ordering agency

Step 4: The ordering agency will communicate the updated status to all the peers within that network.

Step 5: Now, the two organizations (Org1 & Org 2) can invoke the Chaincode.

Drawbacks of v1.4 Chaincode cycle

– Org2 admin had no say while instantiating. Only the admin of Org1 defined the endorsement policies.

– Org2 admin also cannot upgrade or downgrade the system.

– To change anything on Chaincode, the admin of Org2 must create a new Chaincode container. Chaincode lifecycle of Fabric v2.x

Step1: Chaincode packing and installation

Step2: Both Org1 and Org2 co-define the chaincode, to include their personal data. Thus, they approve their respective chaincodes.

Step3: The admins will submit a proposal to the ordering service.

Step4: The ordering service will commit the same to the individual peers.

Step5: Now, either of the two organizations can commit the chaincode. The endorsement policy in Fabric v2.x needs endorsement from most participant organizations to verify/endorse the transactions.

Note: Life cycle endorsement policy and chaincode endorsement policy are different.

Step6: Then, the ordering service receives the commit transaction.

Step7: The orderer now commits the definition of chaincode to other peers in the network.

Fabric v1.x is less decentralized.

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